Sunday, August 5, 2018

Well, THAT was awkward

We were running along at a nice pace down the Cedar River Trail, the sky started thundering at us, the rain started ... and I started having my own flashes of light. And the gray sand washing down my face that I feel when I’m about to have a blackout episode. Because bipolar meds are fun.

This happens multiple times a day when I stand up too fast. But it’s never happened when I’m running. I tried to slog through it, hoping it would pass ... and I got about half a mile before I noticed I was zigzagging so I wisely let what little common sense I had left prevail and I stopped. It was mile 3.12, which was almost our turnaround point. But it WAS a complete 5K, so I deserve a medal.

You know who else deserves medals? Rob and Scott, who stopped their run and insisted walking the 3.12 miles back with me. I kept insisting I was fine. I kept insisting that they run ahead and get their miles in. But they kept insisting on being awesome friends and not leaving me. Those jerks.

I feel normal now. The flashes of light and gray sand are gone. But I’m frustrated and a little concerned and totally embarrassed about the whole thing. And very soaked from the rain.


Mental Health Awareness Month: This Blog

My 2008 bipolar diagnosis suddenly made sense of all the weirdnesses floating around in my head: plunging depressions, paranoias, social anx...